Tuesday 22 November 2016

                                      Wazap bros i have some thing intersting...
                                        here is a funny videooo of owls XD

                                                       The Angry Bird rap song :3

Tuesday 8 November 2016



  • Flamingo word comes from Portuguese or Spanish, it means "flame-colored".
  • Flamingo are actually white,but when u see them, they are pink/red/orange because they were eating  food everyday, which spilled blood over it's body and it turned to this color. (looks like someone needs a bath).
  • Flamingos live in mostly in Africa, Asia and America.
  • They eat frogs, little crabs (shrimp) and algae.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


Image result for blue jay

  • The  Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a  passerine bird the family Corvidae.

  • They live in eastern, center of United States and in southern Canada.
  • They live mostly in forests and in parks.
  • They are omnivores, which they like to eat plants and animals/Insects.
  • There favorite food is acorns from Oak trees and they also eat nuts,Insects,mice,frogs,small birds,eggs (0-0) , beechnuts and caterpillars.